Started out as a 1956 Chevy partly customized with a 5 ½ inch chop top. Then the top panel was covered with pleated rust and white naugahyde. The body was sectioned 4 inches throughout upper panel with a hand formed pancake hood. Front and rear panels had been molded and sculptured with full cavities and grill inserts mounted in rubber to absorb shock. Quad headlights and bottom directional signal are shaded and frenched in.
Center grill has electronic eye to control head lite operations. Rear fenders and bed had been extended forty inches, with matching shapes and canted rear panel. The bed was covered in the same style as the top. Bullet appeleton spotlights installed with vents on front and rear window. Side molding was hand made half round steel that housed expanded metal paneling. Triple ripple side pipes with flared ends. Hubcaps are old base with flippers and bullet centers and wide white wall Firestone tires. The interior had full seat inpleates roll⁄two tone white pearl and copper naugahyde with mouton carpet. The dash equipped with padding and beads of pearl and copper paint. Also a portable TV and stereo with loud speakers for parties and cruises.
To finish it off, the suspension had been lowered fourteen inches and all interior and exterior metal accessories were copper plated. A six cylinder engine also plated and painted. Paint was white pearl with blends of cooper scallops and hand pin stripping.